🛒 How to buy on another Nintendo eShop region?

There is two ways of buying games on other eShop regions

  1. Create a Nintendo account for each country / region you want to buy a game in. You will need a different email address for each of those accounts.
    Protip: if you have a Gmail account, put anything behind a "+" just before the @ and it will still points towards your email. Ex: alex+FR@gmail.com is the same as alex@gmail.com
  2. Change your account country / region each time you want to buy in a different eShop region. You will need to empty any credits in a country before leaving it, or you will lose them.

What is the cheapest of all countries?

There is not a single answer to that question. But you can head on the stats page to get a cleared picture.

How to pay on another Nintendo eShop region?

There is multiple ways to pay for games in other regions:

  1. Use your credit card. This greatly depends on your bank and the country you are trying to buy to. Some European Mastercards for example work perfectly around the globe. But again, this depends only on your bank.
  2. Use PayPal if the eShop region accepts it, you can create a PayPal account with an address in the region you are trying to buy to.
  3. Buy gift cards for the eShop you are trying to buy to, here is a few that would give you a digital code to use right away:

🤬 Why is this website showing ads?

Currently this website is hosted on a paid hosting service and cost me some bucks every month. Displaying ads is an easy way of letting everyone participate in it.

I know, ads sucks. And to be honest, even I use an ad blocker 😅 If you want a good one, try uBlock Origin.

I have a great idea, can you do it?

Well, maybe. I'm open to any ideas, but I can't promise anything. You can go here to share, discuss, vote, on new ideas.

💵 How can I participate?

The code is private, but I will gladly accept feedbacks and ideas via the contact page. And if you really want to help me, use one of the gift card links above.